Support Our Mission
Your generosity helps us share the Gospel of Christ and serve our communities. There are several ways you can contribute financially to support our mission:
- Weekly Offering Envelopes
The most common way to give is through Sunday offering envelopes. If you would like to receive a box of envelopes, please contact your parish office. - Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Giving
Many parishioners now choose to give through monthly Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD). This secure and convenient option ensures that your support continues even when you are away. If you would like to sign-up for PAD, please contact your parish office. - Christmas & Easter Flower Donations
Each Christmas and Easter, our churches are beautifully decorated with fresh flowers and plants, thanks to the dedication of our volunteers. You can help cover the cost of these decorations by making a donation in memory of a loved one. Please contact your parish office. - One-Time Offering
If you would like to make a special offering—whether in thanksgiving for a blessing received, to support a particular ministry, or simply as an act of generosity—you may write a cheque payable to your chosen parish.
For more information, please contact:
St. Bernard’s Parish, Moncton | 506 857 0425
St. Vincent’s Parish, Sackville | 506 536 1460
St. Clement’s Parish, Port-Elgin | 506 538 2262
Thank you for your support and generosity!