A Call To Serve

The Catholic Church celebrates the participation of all baptized faithful in the mission and worship of Christ. Lay liturgical ministries provide an opportunity for laypeople to share their gifts, deepen their faith, and contribute to the life of the Church through active service. These ministries are essential to the liturgical life of the parish and help create a welcoming, prayerful, and reverent environment for the celebration of the sacraments.

What Are Lay Liturgical Ministries?

Lay liturgical ministries encompass various roles that support the Church’s liturgical celebrations, especially the Holy Mass. These ministries are not just tasks to be performed but are a true expression of the laity’s active participation in the Church’s worship. Rooted in baptism, these ministries allow individuals to answer their call to holiness and service.


Lectors proclaim the Word of God during Mass, making Scripture come alive for the assembly. Through preparation and prayer, lectors help foster a deeper connection between the congregation and God’s Word.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

These ministers assist in the distribution of the Eucharist, especially when there are large congregations. They may also bring Communion to the sick and homebound, extending the liturgy to those unable to attend Mass.

Altar Servers

Often a ministry for youth but open to adults as well, altar servers assist the priest and deacon during Mass by performing tasks such as carrying the cross, holding the Roman Missal, and setting the altar.

Choir Members and Musicians

Music is a vital part of the liturgy, enhancing prayer and drawing the congregation closer to the sacred mysteries. Choir members and musicians lead the faithful in song, uniting the assembly in worship.

Hospitality Ministers (Ushers and Greeters)

These ministers provide a warm and welcoming presence at the church doors, assist with seating, and facilitate the smooth flow of the liturgy. They embody the Church’s mission to extend Christ’s love to all.


Sacristans prepare the altar and sacred vessels before and after Mass, ensuring that everything needed for the liturgy is in place. Their behind-the-scenes work is crucial to the reverent celebration of the Eucharist.

The Spirituality of Liturgical Service

Lay liturgical ministers are called to approach their roles with humility, reverence, and prayer. Serving in these ministries is not just about fulfilling a duty but about encountering Christ in the liturgy and sharing that encounter with others. By serving the Church, ministers grow in their relationship with God and reflect His love to the community.

Formation and Training

Our parish offers training and formation for those interested in becoming liturgical ministers. This preparation includes both practical skills and spiritual formation, helping ministers understand the significance of their roles and carry them out with devotion.

A Call to Serve

Lay liturgical ministries are a beautiful expression of the universal call to holiness and mission. If you feel drawn to serve in one of these ministries, prayerfully consider responding to this call. Your service not only enriches the liturgy but also strengthens the faith community.

To learn more about opportunities to get involved, please contact:

St. Bernard’s Church: Darlene McGraw – darlenemcgraw@rogers.com

St. Clement’s Church: Pam Van Egmond – stclement.stbartholomew@gmail.com

St. Vincent’s Church: Lynn Sitland – lsitland@live.com