History of the First Friday Devotion

The First Friday Devotion traces its origins to the 17th century through the extraordinary revelations given to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, a French Visitation nun. Between 1673 and 1675, Jesus appeared to her in a series of visions, revealing His Sacred Heart as a symbol of His boundless love for humanity. He lamented the indifference and ingratitude shown to His love and requested specific acts of reparation.

In one of these revelations, Jesus asked for the establishment of a devotion to His Sacred Heart, with a special emphasis on receiving Holy Communion on the first Friday of nine consecutive months. He promised immense graces to those who would faithfully practice this devotion, including the assurance of final perseverance and the grace of receiving the sacraments before death. These promises were later summarized in what is now known as the “12 Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.”

St. Margaret Mary’s spiritual director, St. Claude de la Colombière, played a crucial role in promoting the devotion. Over time, this practice gained approval from the Church and was embraced by millions worldwide, especially after Pope Pius IX declared the Sacred Heart devotion as one of the richest treasures of the Catholic faith in the 19th century.

At the heart of the First Friday Devotion lies the profound mystery of Christ’s love, encapsulated in the image of the Sacred Heart. Theologically, the devotion is rooted in the scriptural understanding of God’s love, which is revealed fully in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

The Sacred Heart: Symbol of Love and Mercy

The Sacred Heart of Jesus represents His divine love for humanity. It is a heart that loves unconditionally, suffers for sins, and offers mercy and grace to all who approach Him. This imagery invites the faithful to reflect on the cost of salvation and respond with love, gratitude, and reparation.

Reparation for Sin

The devotion emphasizes acts of reparation to atone for the sins and offenses committed against Christ’s love. This echoes the scriptural call to repentance and the need to participate actively in Christ’s redemptive work, as Paul reminds us: “In my flesh, I am completing what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, the Church” (Colossians 1:24).

The Eucharistic Connection

The Eucharist is central to the First Friday Devotion. Receiving Holy Communion on these Fridays reminds the faithful of Jesus’ Real Presence and His ultimate gift of self-sacrifice. It aligns with Jesus’ words at the Last Supper: “Do this in memory of me” (Luke 22:19). Each act of reception on a First Friday becomes an opportunity to unite with His love and offer reparation for sins.

Spiritual Promises and Eternal Life

The promises attached to this devotion highlight the depth of God’s mercy. They assure the faithful of divine assistance in this life and the grace of eternal salvation, underscoring the Church’s teaching on the inexhaustible mercy of God.

To participate in the First Friday Devotion, one must:

Attend Mass and Receive Holy Communion

On the first Friday of nine consecutive months, attend Mass and worthily receive Holy Communion. Those unable to attend Mass due to illness or other serious reasons can seek guidance from their priest for alternative ways to honor the devotion.

Make an Act of Reparation

Offer prayers, sacrifices, or acts of love to console the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the sins of humanity.

Pray in Devotion

Spend time in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament or pray the Litany of the Sacred Heart to deepen your connection to Christ’s love.

The 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The promises of the Sacred Heart revealed to St. Margaret Mary, are central to the First Friday Devotion. They include:

  1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.
  2. I will establish peace in their homes.
  3. I will comfort them in their afflictions.
  4. I will be their secure refuge during life and, above all, in death.
  5. I will bestow abundant blessings on all their undertakings.
  6. Sinners shall find in my Heart the source and infinite ocean of mercy.
  7. Tepid souls shall grow fervent.
  8. Fervent souls shall quickly mount to high perfection.
  9. I will bless every place in which an image of My Heart is exposed and honored.
  10. I will give to priests the gift of touching the most hardened hearts.
  11. Those who shall promote this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart, never to be effaced.
  12. I promise you in the excessive mercy of My Heart that My all-powerful love will grant to all those who receive Holy Communion on the First Fridays in nine consecutive months the grace of final perseverance; they shall not die in My disgrace nor without receiving their sacraments. My Divine Heart shall be their safe refuge in this last moment.

First Friday Devotion at St. Bernard’s Church:

8:00 AM – Solemn Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – Sacrament of Reconciliation

9:00 AM – Consecration to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus – Benediction

9:30 AM – Eucharistic Celebration